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Hemmerich, K., Lupianez, J., Luna, F., & Martín-Arévalo, E. (2023). The mitigation of the executive vigilance decrement via HD-tDCS over the right posterior parietal cortex and its association with neural oscillations. Cerebral Cortex.
Luna, F. G., Aguirre, M. J., Martín-Arévalo, E., Ibáñez, A., Lupiáñez, J., & Barttfeld, P. (2023). Events-related potentials associated with attentional networks evidence changes in executive and arousal vigilance. Psychophysiology, 00, e14272.
Luna, F. G., Aguirre, M. J., Martín-Arévalo, E., Ibáñez, A., Lupiáñez, J., & Barttfeld, P. (2023). Different oscillatory rhythms anticipate failures in executive and arousal vigilance. Frontiers in Cognition, 2, 1128442.
Román-Caballero, R., Martín-Arévalo, E., & Lupiáñez, J. (2022). Changes in Response Criterion and Lapse Rate as General Mechanisms of Vigilance Decrement: Commentary on McCarley and Yamani (2021). Psychological Science, 09567976221121342.
Luna, F. G., Tortajada, M., Martín-Arévalo, E., Botta, F., & Lupiáñez, J. (2022). A vigilance decrement comes along with an executive control decrement: Testing the resource-control theory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1–13.
Cásedas, L., Cebolla, A., & Lupiáñez, J. (2022). Individual Differences in Dispositional Mindfulness Predict Attentional Networks and Vigilance Performance. Mindfulness, 13(4), 967–981.
Luna, F. G., Barttfeld, P., Martín-Arévalo, E., & Lupiáñez, J. (2022). Cognitive load mitigates the executive but not the arousal vigilance decrement. Consciousness and cognition, 98, 103263.
Luna, F. G., Roca, J., Martín-Arévalo, E., & Lupiáñez, J. (2021). Measuring attention and vigilance in the laboratory vs. online: The split-half reliability of the ANTI-Vea. Behavior Research Methods, 53(3), 1124–1147.
Luna, F. G., Barttfeld, P., Martín-Arévalo, E., & Lupiáñez, J. (2021). The ANTI-Vea task: analyzing the executive and arousal vigilance decrements while measuring the three arousal works. Psicologica, 42(1), 1–26.
Coll‐Martín, T., Carretero‐Dios, H., & Lupiáñez, J. (2021). Attentional networks, vigilance, and distraction as a function of attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in an adult community sample. British Journal of Psychology, 112(4), 1053–1079.
Román-Caballero, R., Martín-Arévalo, E., & Lupiáñez, J. (2021). Attentional networks functioning and vigilance in expert musicians and non-musicians. Psychological research, 85(3), 1121–1135.
Piller, J. L. (2021). An Investigation of Dispositional Mindfulness and the Attention Network Test Interactions and Vigilance–Executive and Arousal Components (ANTI-Vea) (Order No. 28643735). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; ProQuest One Academic. (2561084465).
Feltmate, B. B., Hurst, A. J., & Klein, R. M. (2020). Effects of fatigue on attention and vigilance as measured with a modified attention network test. Experimental brain research, 238(11), 2507–2519.
Sanchis, C., Blasco, E., Luna, F. G., & Lupiáñez, J. (2020). Effects of caffeine intake and exercise intensity on executive and arousal vigilance. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1–13.
Luna, F. G., Román-Caballero, R., Barttfeld, P., Lupiáñez, J., & Martín-Arévalo, E. (2020). A High-Definition tDCS and EEG study on attention and vigilance: Brain stimulation mitigates the executive but not the arousal vigilance decrement. Neuropsychologia, 142, 107447.
Luna, Fernando Gabriel. Attentional networks and executive and arousal vigilance. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2019.
Huertas, F., Ballester, R., Gines, H. J., Hamidi, A. K., Moratal, C., & Lupiáñez, J. (2019). Relative Age Effect in the Sport Environment. Role of Physical Fitness and Cognitive Function in Youth Soccer Players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(16), 2837.
Luna, F. G., Marino, J., Roca, J., & Lupiáñez, J. (2018). Executive and arousal vigilance decrement in the context of the attentional networks: The ANTI-Vea task. Journal of neuroscience methods, 306, 77–87.