How to use it

In order to collect data with the ANTI-Vea or any of its versions you need to click on the red RUN the task button, which will bring you to the web to collect data on-line. There you have to do the following:

  • - Select the language in which you want the instructions to be provided, and the version of the task to be run. Spanish language and the standard version of the ANTI-Vea are set as default values.

  • - After clicking on “next” you reach the next page, where the participants have to introduce their details: Participant Code (Only numbers are allowed in this field), First and Last Name are optional (and will not be visible when you download the data), Age, Gender, Education and Laterality. These fields are obligatory.

  • - In the next page (after pressing “next”) you or the participant will be able to introduce the Experiment and Group codes. These fields are optional, but it is very important that you provide a code that you will use later to download your data specifically.

  • - In this page you can also click to edit the “Settings”: Noise (2), Difficulty (2), Stimuli duration (200 ms), and number of blocks (6). As you can see, the values in parenthesis are the by default values that will be used in case you do not edit them.

  • - You can also unmark the “Do practice blocks” to run the task without practice (only a few practice trials are used to remind the participants the response keys). This is useful when you are running one study on which you manipulate within participants any variable (e.g., exercise level, time of day, caffeine ingestion, etc.). In this case, you can ask participants to run first the whole task in a first familiarisation session, and then run the necessary times, according to your within-participants experimental conditions, but then without the practice blocks.

Once you have collected your data, you can press the grey Get your data button to download a .csv file with your raw data. There you need to specify the details (typically, the Experiment code and group) and press the “Download” button.

In the Analysis section you will find different tools to analyze your data.

Finally, in the Method section you will find a detailed description of the method when you collect your data only, that you will find useful for writing the method section of your paper.