For researchers

Download section

Download ANTI-VEA task versions for in-lab studies

Psychopy standard version
Psychopy standard version with Thought probes
E-prime standard version

Explication about the investigation

Share the link

This link can be shared for each individual participant to directly perform the task with the intended task parameters, without having to select any option. Change the green parameters in this link to create a customized and unique link for each participant to access the task.
  • - lang=en (language of instructions; de for German, en for English, es for Spanish, fr for French, it for Italian and pl for Polish)
  • - type=ANTI_VEA (specific task to be performed; ANTI_Vea, ANTI, SART, PVT, SART-PVT, ANTI-Only, SART-Only-Go, SART-Only-NoGo, PVT-Only, ANTI-Vea-D)
  • - pc=1234 (participant code; only numbers allowed here. Any combination of digit is fine)
  • - exp=Power_ANTI-Vea (The name of your experiment)
  • - gr=Exp (the name of the experimental group, in case there is one)
  • - no=2 (noise; this parameters refers to the spatial variability of the arrows; 1-6 values are allowed, but leave it in 2, the by default value, if you are not interested in this manipulation)
  • - dif=2 (difficulty; this parameter refers to the spatial distance of the central arrow to the neighbor arrows; 1(most difficult) – 5(less difficult) values are allowed, but leave it in 2, the by default value, if you are not interested in this manipulation)
  • - st=200 (target display duration; 100/200/300/400 are accepted values, 200 ms being the standard by default value)
  • - dP=true (this value should be set to “true”, if you want participants to do the whole practice blocks before the experimental blocks, and to “false”, if you want them to go directly to the experimental blocks, with just a reminder of the instructions)
  • - B=6 (number of experimental block 1-8; the value can be set to 0, if you want the participant to only run the practice, with no experimental block; 6 is the by default number of blocks)
  • - probes=0 (this is the number of Thought proves -to measure mindwandering- to be included in each block -0/4/8/12-; by default, in the standard version of the task no thought proves are includes. Leave this parameter in 0 to run the standard version)

Download the scripts

Note: This script is to convert the raw data downloaded from the task to processed data at the trial and participant/session level. Note that for more general analyses of the task a Shiny app is enabled in the Analysis section. Therefore, this script is preferably for analytical options not available in the app.